8th of March marks International Women’s Day and we feel it is the perfect day to celebrate 7 amazing women in Leeds who helped us be where we are today! We met them along the way and are humbled by their support and help (which we have not always yet had the chance to return).

Women can sometimes be difficult to one another, seeing potential rivals in one another instead of allies, but these 7 heroines have nothing but given us their time, expertise, trust and kindness. Let’s be kind to each other, not just on International Women’s Day. The world needs more amazing women who stand up for each other and give each other a hand!

In no specific order, here is our very own list of amazing women in Leeds whom we’d like to thank today!

1. Mina from Wildcraft Bakery


We met Mina at our very first market at Kirkstall. Since that day she has been our go-to person for advice when it comes to best value for money supplies. She has helped us out so much in the early days and has always had an open ear when we needed to talk things through that were new to us. We love her for finding time for us in her busy life of running a business (Leeds first and only gluten-free bakery!) and being a mum. Thank you for your generosity Mina, please let us know how we can return the favours!

2. Sofia from Rebel Solutions


It was at one of the networking events organised by Leeds Independent Food Academy that we got talking to a very energetic lady from Portugal. It soon became apparent that Sofia’s passion was absolutely contagious! She would leave no stone unturned to introduce us to anybody and everybody who could just be of the slightest help to us in our venture. She has since raved about us all over Leeds and gotten us the opportunity to run two successful pop-up cafes and to make bespoke biscuits for the VIPs at the MOBO awards. Wow! Having recently launched not only her own company Rebel Solutions, but also Amazing Rebels, a network for women in food, we feel this is just the beginning…Thank you for your passion and support Sofia!

3. Helen from Sebby’s Deli


Coffee-fueled Helen is the head and heart behind the wonderful Sebby’s Deli in Far Headingley, a cosy, family friendly cafe that serves up delicious food all day! Helen is also a good friend of Sofia’s and together they launched Carousel event space last November. We quickly jumped on board and ran two pop-up cafes in her premises. Helen has been fantastic, providing us not only with the space, but also tons of advice and guidance. We could not have done it without her. She works incredibly hard and is a real inspiration! Thank you for your energy Helen!

4. Wendy from Bruntwood


We met Wendy at a networking event at Belgrave Music Hall last year. A quick chat and exchange of business cards then led to some of the most amazing orders we have ever received. We created a total of 57 boxes of biscuits for her customers, voicing their support in the Leeds2023 bid. It was such a pleasure creating all those biscuits and being part of such an exciting venture. And even with it all falling through, we feel 2023 will be a big year for Leeds! Thanks for your custom Wendy, and for shouting not only about our beautiful Leeds, but also about us two little bakers!

5. Jane from Child Friendly Leeds


Jane emailed us in the summer of 2017. She had stumbled across us via social media, and we had caught her eye for the fact that we were mumpreneurs. Jane works for Child Friendly Leeds (the orange thumb logo that you’ll surely have seen all over Leeds!), an organisation within the Council that promotes a child-friendly city and actively engages children in their projects to make Leeds a better place for children and families. What a fantastic institution! We felt honoured to become ambassadors of Child Friendly Leeds and have loved being part of several exciting events and awards. Whether it was in the form of running workshops for Dadstastic Day and creating biscuits for goodie bags. Thanks for your trust and loyalty Jane, we love what you do!

6. Dawn from Fabrication


We met Dawn over a year ago at a Christmas fair at Browns in Leeds city centre. Dawn is the lady behind the social enterprise Fabrication in The Light in town. This beautiful space allows over 70 creators from all over Yorkshire to showcase their amazing products, without having to rent their own shop. A fantastic opportunity for start-ups and part-timers. We would still be there today were it not for the fact that the online orders we receive make it too hard to keep stocking our shelf. We thank her for having welcomed us into the family of fabbies and wish her a bright future!

7. Becca the woman behind Oakwood Craft Market


Last but not least, a woman who believed in us before she even met us! Becca was setting up the wonderful and now fully established Oakwood craft market (every last Saturday of the month at Oakwood clock) early last year and contacted us as she thought we would be a nice foodie addition on market of talented crafters. Being based in Roundhay, we jumped at the opportunity and have rarely missed a market since. Not only has Becca contributed to Oakwood being an even more exciting place to be. She has also won an award for doing it! Thanks for your positive energy Becca and for providing us with wine, music and laughter at markets, come rain or shine!

Happy International Women’s Day ladies, you all rock and we appreciate everything you and have done for us! To many more years of mutual support and a city of thriving women in business who are not afraid to give each other a hand!

Written by Saskia Roskam

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